Chinese Government Scholarship -High Level Postgraduate Programme
Hainan University(Type B Code:10589)
About Hainan University
Hainan University is a comprehensive key university formed by a merger with the former South China University of Tropical Agriculture in August 2007. It is jointly administered by the Ministry of Education and Hainan Provincial People’s Government.In 2017, HNU was listed in the national plan for establishing world-class disciplines, and in 2022 it was listed again under the national plan to establish world-class disciplines.
HNU hosts 10 post-doctoral R&D bases, 13 first-level discipline doctorate programs, 1 professional doctoral program, 33 first-level-discipline master’s degree programs and 24 professional master’s degree programs. There are1 discipline listed in the world First-Class Discipline Construction Plan(Crop Science) and 8 disciplines(Plant and Animal Science, Material Science, Chemistry, agricultural Science, and engineering,Environmental Science/Ecology, Biology and Biochemistry, Social Sciences,General) entered among the top 1% of ESI. Its faculty has more than 2800 members, including 62 jointly-academicians, Distinguished Young Scholars.
Hainan University is committed to a strategy of openness in education and the first one qualified to receive Chinese government scholarships in Hainan Province. Currently, HNU has gradually formed its own schooling models. It not only prominently serves for the Belt and Road educational cooperation and exchange, but also is dedicated to high-level educational and cultural exchanges with the tropical countries and areas. In recognition of this, HNU was selected by the Ministry of Education as a member of the second group of Demonstration Base for Studying in China, offering a complete range of higher education programs (from bachelor's to doctoral degrees) to international students.
Program Introduction
The Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Graduate Program is designed to finance the study of talented international students in China that are directly selected and recommended by designated Chinese universities. The programme is based on the principles of "individual application, institutional recommendation, expert assessment and selection on the basis of merit", and selects international students with excellent academic background, professional ability and future development potential.
Chinese Government Scholarship-High-level Graduate Program,as one of full-scholarship, covers tuition, accommodation, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance.
三、申请专业/Admitting Majors
硕士项目Master’s Degree Programs
次序/No. | 专业/Major | 学院 Professional School | 授课语言 Instruction Language |
1 | 语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | 人文学院 School of Humanities | 汉语 Chinese |
2 | 中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature | 汉语 Chinese |
3 | 中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature | 汉语 Chinese |
4 | 文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art | 汉语 Chinese |
5 | 比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature | 汉语 Chinese |
6 | 应用经济学 Applied Economics | 国际商学院 School of International Business
| 汉语 Chinese |
7 | 国际商务硕士 Master of International Business | 汉语 Chinese |
8 | 企业管理 Enterprise Management | 汉语 Chinese |
9 | 农林经济管理 Agriculture and Forest Economics and Management
| 汉语 Chinese |
10 | 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
11 | 会计学 Accounting | 汉语 Chinese |
12 | 法学 Law | 法学院 School of Law | 汉语 Chinese |
13 | 政治学理论 Political Theory | 马克思主义学院 School of Marxism
| 汉语 Chinese |
14 | 国际政治 International Politics | 汉语 Chinese |
15 | 国际关系 International Relations | 汉语 Chinese |
16 | 外交学 Diplomacy | 汉语 Chinese |
17 | 中共党史 History of the Communist Party of China | 汉语 Chinese |
18 | 日语笔译 Japanese Translation | 外国语学院 School of International Studies
| 汉语 Chinese |
19 | 英语笔译 English Translation | 汉语 Chinese |
20 | 英语口译 English Interpretation | 汉语 Chinese |
21 | 数学 Mathematics | 数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics and Statistics | 汉语 Chinese |
22 | 光电信息工程 Optoelectronic Information Engineering | 物理与光电工程学院 School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
23 | 化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology | 化学化工学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
| 汉语 Chinese |
24 | 化学工程 Chemical Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
25 | 水产 Aquatic Science | 海洋生物与水产学院 School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture | 汉语 Chinese |
26 | 生物学 Biology | 生命健康学院 School of Life and Health | 汉语 Chinese |
27 | 生态学 Ecology | 生态与环境学院 School of Ecology and Environment
| 英语、汉语 English, Chinese |
28 | 环境工程(工学) Environment Engineering | 英语、汉语 English, Chinese |
29 | 环境科学(理学) Environment Science(Natural Science) | 英语、汉语 English, Chinese |
30 | 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering | 机电工程学院 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
31 | 材料科学与工程 Material Science and Engineering | 材料科学与工程学院 School of Material Science and Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
32 | 信息与通信工程 School of Information and Communication Engineering | 信息与通信工程 School of Information and Communication Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
33 | 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology | 计算机科学与技术学院 School of Computer Science and Technology | 汉语 Chinese |
34 | 土木工程 Civil Engineering | 土木建筑工程学院 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture | 汉语 Chinese |
35 | 土木水利 Civil and Hydraulic Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
36 | 生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering | 生物医学工程学院 School of Biomedical Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
37 | 食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering | 食品科学与工程学院 School of Food Science and Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
38 | 食品加工与安全 Food Production and Safety | 汉语 Chinese |
39 | 作物学 Crop Science | 热带农林学院 School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry
| 英语 English |
40 | 农业资源与环境 Agricultural Resources and Environment | 英语 English |
41 | 风景园林 Landscape Architecture | 汉语 Chinese |
42 | 林学 Forestry | 汉语 Chinese |
43 | 林业 Forestry | 汉语 Chinese |
44 | 植物保护 Plant Protection | 汉语 Chinese |
45 | 园艺学 Horticulture | 汉语 Chinese |
46 | 大数据技术与工程 Big Date Technology and Engineering | 网络空间安全学院 School of Cyberspace Security | 汉语 Chinese |
47 | 药学 Pharmacy | 药学院 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 汉语 Chinese |
48 | 药学(专业学位) Pharmacy(Professional Degree) | 汉语 Chinese |
49 | 旅游管理 Tourism Management | 旅游学院 School of Tourism | 汉语 Chinese |
50 | 公共管理 Public Administration | 公共管理学院 School of Public Administration | 汉语 Chinese |
博士项目Doctoral degree Programs
次序/No. | 专业/Major | 学院 Professional School | 授课语言 Instruction Language |
1 | 工商管理 Business Administration | 国际商学院 School of International Business | 汉语/英语 Chinese/English |
2 | 工商管理 Business Administration | 旅游学院 School of Tourism | 汉语 Chinese |
3 | 法学 Law | 法学院 School of Law | 汉语 Chinese |
4 | 化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology | 化学化工学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
5 | 生物学 Biology | 生命健康学院 School of Life and Health | 汉语 Chinese |
6 | 生态学 Ecology | 生态与环境学院 School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences | 汉语/英语 Chinese/English |
7 | 材料科学与工程 Material Science and Engineering | 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
8 | 信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering | 信息与通信工程学院 School of Information and Communication Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
9 | 土木工程 Civil Engineering | 土木建筑工程学院 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture | 汉语 Chinese |
10 | 生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering | 生物医学工程学院 School of Biomedical Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
11 | 食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering | 食品科学与工程学院 School of Food Science and Engineering | 汉语 Chinese |
12 | 作物学 Crop Science | 热带农林学院 School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry | 英语 English |
13 | 电子信息 Electronic Information | 网络空间安全学院 School of Cyberspace Security | 汉语 Chinese |
四、项目申请/Program Application
(一)申请资格 Eligibility
1. 非中国籍公民,身心健康。
Non-Chinese citizens, in a good physical and mental health.
2. 申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过35周岁;申请攻读博士学位者,应该具有硕士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄不超过40.
Applicants for a Master’s degree must have a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35. Applicants for a Doctoral degree must have a master’s degree and be under the age of 40. All applicants should have excellent academic performance.
3. 申请以中文为专业教学语言的攻读硕士、博士学位者,中文水平至少须达到汉语水平考试(HSK)四级;以英文为专业教学语言的攻读硕士、博士学位者,如果英文为非母语,则英语水平须达到雅思(IELTS)6.0及以上(单科不少于6.0);或托福560以上,新托福(网考)78分以上。
Applicants for Chinese-taught programs should have acquired the minimum of HSK Level 4 when applying. Applicants for English-taught programs from non-English speaking countries must present proof of English level. For example, IELTS report with the average score above 6, TOEFL with the average score above 560 (paper-based test) or with a score of 78 (internet-based test) when applying.
(二)申请材料 Application documents
1.《乐虎国际》Application Form for Chinese
Government Scholarship(中文或英文填写/ in Chinese or English);
Passport Home page(Ordinary passport expires after February 2025);
3.经公证的最高学历证明/Notarized highest diploma;
4.学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)/Academic Transcripts(from the
undergraduate program onwards)
5.语言能力证明。Language qualification certificates;
6.来华学习计划(英语或中文书写,不少于1000字)/ A study
plan proposal in Chinese or in English (No less than 1000 words);
7.教授或副教授撰写的两封推荐信/Two recommendation
letters in Chinese or English from professor(s) or associate professor(s);
的同意转学证明;/Applicants who are now in China must submit scan of Photocopy of Visa and Transfer Certificate from the present universities;
9.年龄不满 18 周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件/Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China;
10.无犯罪记录证明/ Non-criminal record report
Note:Uploaded supporting documents must be clear, authentic and valid. Applicants are recommended to use a professional device to scan the relevant documents. Applicants shall bear the consequences caused by unclear or unidentifiable uploaded materials
(三)申请流程 Application Procedure
*第一步 申请人登录“中国政府奖学金乐虎国际管理信息系统”(http://www.campuschina.org),在线填写《乐虎国际》并提交申请材料
Step one:Visit “Chinese Government Scholarship Information System”at http://www.campuschina.org and then fill in the sections of the Application Form online。
*第二步 申请人登录“海南大学国际学生服务平台”(http://hainanu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx),完成在线信息与申请材料的递交。
Step two: Log onto “Hainan University International Student Service System” at http://hainanu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx and complete your submission of the online information and application materials.
(四)申请期限 Application period
Submitting your online application from Nov.20, 2023 to Feb. 29, 2024 (Peking time)
联系人/Contact Staff: 周老师/Ms. Zhou 崔老师/Mr. Cui
邮 箱/Email:admission@hzyhcc.com
微 信/Wechat: 0086-13138995246
电 话/Tel: 0086-898-66291348 0086-898-66291354
招生网址/Website: http://hd.hzyhcc.com/gjjyen/